Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Alien Hypothesis

This theory says UFOs are vehicles of visitors, such as the grey aliens, who come from other planets. Betty and Barney Hill may have been the first to describe the Grey Aliens. Their abduction supposedly happened on September 19, 1961 According to, "The entities were described by the Hills as '....bald-headed alien beings, about five foot tall, with greyish skin, pear shaped heads and slanting cat-like eyes.'-- This was the very first mention in UFO folklore of the so-called 'greys.'" Critics have said The 1953 movie, 'Invaders from Mars' or an episode of 'Outer Limits' shown less than two weeks before one of Barney's hypnosis appointments was the source of the alien description. ( Alien image from ) According to, "Very interestingly, the 509th Bomb Wing, although uninvolved in the Hill's case were then stationed at Pease AFB in 1961. In 1947, when the famous 'Roswell Incident' took place the home of the 509th was Roswell AAFB. "

Are aliens the answer? Perhaps some non-grey alien? Various culprits have been named: Nordic, Reptilians, Arcturians, Pleiadians, etc. Is one the truth? All of them? Is the entire alien hypothesis a carefully crafted self-perpetuating distraction? Perhaps the real aliens aren't as frightening as they would like to be. They may be too small to make a powerful appearance in public.

Consider the little insectoid creature found alive in the Southern Chilean city of Concepcion on Oct 1, 2002. The child who found it in some bushes claims it stayed alive for about eight days, and sometimes opened its eyes. "It has a relatively large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs."

by Xenophilia

Other Dimensions/ Psyccotronic

Other Dimensions
With the expansion of quantum physics the existence of alternate realities has been readily debated. There has been a move in some quarters to use this as an explanation for the UFO phenomena; that the aliens are actually beings who live in coexistence with us in a parallel reality. Perhaps this explains some of the accounts of missing time and time slips described by UFO witnesses. Unfortunately there is little evidence to suggest that this is true, and if there are parallel dimensions the energy needed to cross between them would be phenomenal.

Psyccotronic / The human factor
Carl Jung, the eminent psychologist thought that the UFO phenomenon was the result of symbolic manifestation of the human unconscious, somehow projected into reality. However, he was never quite comfortable with the more physical element of sightings. There does seem to be a similarity in older folk beliefs about fairy abductions and UFO abductions, albeit coloured by the modern worldview. This theory has links with some of the other ones, namely folklore and it is interesting to note that some alleged UFO abductions have taken place while the subject was under full view of other witnesses. This suggests that the experiences are personal, and stem from the psychological make up of the individual.

Communities of Practice (Lave and Wenger)

Summary: Etienne Wenger summarizes Communities of Practice (CoP) as “groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” This learning that takes place is not necessarily intentional. Three components are required in order to be a CoP: (1) the domain, (2) the community, and (3) the practice.

Originators: Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger in 1991 and further elaborated in 1998.

Key Terms: domain, community, practice, identity, learning

Communities of Practice

The term was first used in 1991 by theorists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger who discussed the notion of legitimate peripheral participation. In 1998, the theorist Etienne Wenger extended the concept and applied it to other domains, such as organizations. With the flourishing of online communities on the Internet, as well as the increasing need for improved knowledge management, there has been much more interest as of late in communities of practice. People see them as ways of promoting innovation, developing social capital, facilitating and spreading knowledge within a group, spreading existing tacit knowledge, etc.

Communities of Practice can be defined, in part, as a process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in a subject or area collaborate over an extended period of time, sharing ideas and strategies, determine solutions, and build innovations. Wenger gives a simple definition: “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.” Note that this allows for, but does not require intentionality. Learning can be, and often is, an incidental outcome that accompanies these social processes.

One needs to distinguish between what is a CoP and what is not. There are three required components of CoPs:

  1. There needs to be a domain. A CoP has an identity defined by a shared domain of interest (e.g. radiologists, Star Trek fans, middle school history teachers, Seahawks football fans, etc.); it’s not just a network of people or club of friends. Membership implies a commitment to the domain.
  2. There needs to be a community. A necessary component is that members of a specific domain interact and engage in shared activities, help each other, and share information with each other. They build relationships that enable them to learn from each other. In this way, merely sharing the same job does not necessitate a CoP. A static website on hunting in itself is not a community of practice. There needs to be people who interact and learn together in order for a CoP to be formed. Note that members do not necessarily work together daily, however. Wenger points to the example of Impressionist painters who sometimes met in cafes to discuss their painting styles. He indicates that even though these men normally painted alone, these kinds of interactions were essential to making them a CoP.
  3. There needs to be a practice: A CoP is not just people who have an interest in something (e.g. sports or agriculture practices). The third requirement for a CoP is that the members are practitioners. They develop a shared repertoire of resources which can include stories, helpful tools, experiences, stories, ways of handling typical problems, etc. This kind of interaction needs to be developed over time. A conversation with a random stranger who happens to be an expert on a subject matter that interests you does not in itself make a CoP. Informal conversations held by people of the same profession (e.g. office assistants or graduate students) help people share and develop a set of cases and stories that can become a shared repertoire for their practice, whether they realize it or not.

Communities develop their practice through a variety of methods, including: problem solving, requests for information, seeking the experiences of others, reusing assets, coordination and synergy, discussing developments, visiting other members, mapping knowledge and identifying gaps.

For Etienne Wenger, learning is central to human identity. A primary focus is learning as social participation – that is, an individual as an active participant in the practices of social communities, and in the construction of his or her identity through these communities. People continuously create their shared identity through engaging in and contributing to the practices of their communities. The motivation to become a more central participant in a community of practice can provide a powerful incentive for learning. Students will have a desire to develop skills (e.g. literacy skills) if the people they admire have the same skills. That is, they want to join the “literacy club” and will work towards becoming a a member.

Discovery Learning (Bruner)

Summary: Discovery Learning is a method of inquiry-based instruction, discovery learning believes that it is best for learners to discover facts and relationships for themselves.

Originator: Jerome Bruner (1915-)

Keywords: Inquiry-based learning, constructivism

Discovery Learning (Bruner)

Discovery learning is an inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his or her own past experience and existing knowledge to discover facts and relationships and new truths to be learned. Students interact with the world by exploring and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies, or performing experiments. As a result, students may be more more likely to remember concepts and knowledge discovered on their own (in contrast to a transmissionist model). Models that are based upon discovery learning model include: guided discovery, problem-based learning, simulation-based learning, case-based learning, incidental learning, among others.

Proponents of this theory believe that discovery learning has many advantages, including:

  • encourages active engagement
  • promotes motivation
  • promotes autonomy, responsibility, independence
  • the development of creativity and problem solving skills.
  • a tailored learning experience

Critics have sometimes cited disadvantages including:

  • creation of cognitive overload
  • potential misconceptions
  • teachers may fail to detect problems and misconceptions

The theory is closely related to work by Jean Piaget and Seymour Papert.

For more information, see:

  • Bruner, J.S. (1967). On knowing: Essays for the left hand. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.

Social Development Theory (Vygotsky)

Summary: Social Development Theory argues that social interaction precedes development; consciousness and cognition are the end product of socialization and social behavior.

Originator: Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934).

Key terms: Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), More Knowledgeable Other (MKO)

Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory

Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory is the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), who lived during Russian Revolution. Vygotsky’s work was largely unkown to the West until it was published in 1962.

Vygotsky’s theory is one of the foundations of constructivism. It asserts three major themes:

Major themes:

  1. Social interaction plays a fundamental role in the process of cognitive development. In contrast to Jean Piaget’s understanding of child development (in which development necessarily precedes learning), Vygotsky felt social learning precedes development. He states: “Every function in the child’s cultural development appears twice: first, on the social level, and later, on the individual level; first, between people (interpsychological) and then inside the child (intrapsychological).” (Vygotsky, 1978).
  2. The More Knowledgeable Other (MKO). The MKO refers to anyone who has a better understanding or a higher ability level than the learner, with respect to a particular task, process, or concept. The MKO is normally thought of as being a teacher, coach, or older adult, but the MKO could also be peers, a younger person, or even computers.
  3. The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). The ZPD is the distance between a student’s ability to perform a task under adult guidance and/or with peer collaboration and the student’s ability solving the problem independently. According to Vygotsky, learning occurred in this zone.

Vygotsky focused on the connections between people and the sociocultural context in which they act and interact in shared experiences (Crawford, 1996). According to Vygotsky, humans use tools that develop from a culture, such as speech and writing, to mediate their social environments. Initially children develop these tools to serve solely as social functions, ways to communicate needs. Vygotsky believed that the internalization of these tools led to higher thinking skills.

Applications of the Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory

Many schools have traditionally held a transmissionist or instructionist model in which a teacher or lecturer ‘transmits’ information to students. In contrast, Vygotsky’s theory promotes learning contexts in which students play an active role in learning. Roles of the teacher and student are therefore shifted, as a teacher should collaborate with his or her students in order to help facilitate meaning construction in students. Learning therefore becomes a reciprocal experience for the students and teacher.

For more information, see:

  • Driscoll, M. P. (1994). Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Needham, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Crawford, K. (1996) Vygotskian approaches to human development in the information era. Educational Studies in Mathematics. (31) 43-62.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind and society: The development of higher mental processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Wertsch, James V. Sohmer, Richard. (1995). Vygotsky on learning and development. Human Development. (38 ) 332-37.

Theories about lies

Four-factor Model


When people tell lies, there are four underlying mechanisms at work:

  • Arousal: Lying causes anxiety and arousal, either because of dissonance at conflicting values and behavior, or due to fear of getting caught. This can be detected via lie detectors, speech errors and hesitations, repetitions, fidgeting and displacement activity, blinking, higher vocal pitch and pupil dilation.
  • Behavior control: We try to control body language that might give us away. In fact this is impossible and leakage often occurs, for example where we are controlling our face and our legs give us away.
  • Emotion: Our emotions change when we are lying. For example, duping delight, where the liar is secretly pleased at their perceived success. Guilt may also appear. Micro-motions in facial muscles can betray hidden emotions.
  • Thinking: To lie, we usually have to think a lot harder, such as to ensure coherence in our arguments. This leads us to take longer in speaking with more pauses. We also tend to use more generalities to avoid getting trapped by specific detail.


Zuckerman et al. found pupil dilation to be a fairly good indicator of deception. Many other indicators have been found, such as fidgeting, blinking, vocal pitch, etc. Like non-verbal behavior, however, no single method is guaranteed to work each time.


Poker players often wear dark glasses to hide the dilation of their pupils when they are aroused that they cannot control. Otherwise, they are often masters of controlling their non-verbal behavior.

So what?

Using it

Do not lie, especially in front of someone (like the police) who are trained to spot lies. Use the above pointers to detect when others are lying.


Zuckerman, DePaulo and Rosenthal (1981), Zuckerman and Driver (1985)

Interpersonal Deception Theory


Lying happens in a dynamic interaction where liar and listener dance around one another, changing their thoughts in response to each other’s moves. Liar behavior includes:

  • Manipulating information: to distance themselves from the message, so if the message is found to be false, they can extricate themselves. Thus they use vague generalities and talk about other people.
  • Strategically control behavior: to suppress signals that might indicate that they are lying. For example their face may be more impassive and body more rigid.
  • Image management: for example by smiling and nodding more.


Watch small children who have found out about lying. They point at their siblings, put on their best 'innocent' expression, hold their hands behind their backs. At that age they are very flexible and learn fast. Before long they can pull the wool very well over their parent's eyes.

So what?

Using it

To detect liars, watch for the above behavioral patterns. People who are liars themselves tend to be better at detecting lying because they know the techniques better.


Buller and Burgoon (1994, 1996), Buller, Strzyzewski and Comstock (1991), Burgoon and Buller (1994)


The name of this system says it all. It is similar to the Paroli system. It is based on the premise that you can win four times in a row. Your initial bet is 1 unit, the second 3 units, the third 2 units and the fourth 6 units. Let’s assume that each unit is $10 and the odds are 1:1 - even money. The first bet is $10. When winning, $10 is added to the $20 on the table making the second bet $30. When winning again on the second bet, there would be $60 on the table. Of this you take down $40 and the third bet is now $20. If the third bet wins, you will have $40 on the table to which you add $20 making a total of $60 for the fourth bet. If the fourth bet wins, there would be a total of $120 on the table, all of which is net profit. Now all the bet is taken down and you start the system all over again at $10. Also, each time you lose, at any level, you start all over again at $10. If you lose the first bet, your loss is $10. The second level loss is $20 (because you added another $10). At the third level, a loss will give you a net profit of $20 (because you have taken down $40). At the fourth level, a loss leaves you breaking even (because you put back $20 out of the $40 taken down). The attraction of this system is that you risk $20 at a chance of making $120 net profit. This means you can lose six times at the worst level (second bet), and with one win (a set of four wins in a row) get your money back


Betting the same fixed amount on each play is known as Flat Betting. With this simple strategy you establish a bet size, say $100, and you bet this same amount each time whether you win or lose. Of course this flat bet size could be too large or too small in proportion to your bankroll if your stake grows from $1000 to $5000, or shrinks back down to $500! On the upside, the Flat Bet is very conservative, although its fixed amount bet constrains bankroll growth and makes it difficult to have a really outstanding year. On the downside, a severe string of losses can completely decimate a Flat Betting bankroll as the bet size becomes increasingly over-sized relative to a shrinking bankroll! It is widely believed that professional gamblers bet flat. The reasons for their choice might be the following:

Stakes are adjusted, if adjusted at all, according to odds (probabilities), not the recent history.
Stakes are usually small comparing to the gambling fund, thus the mental pressure is not so tough, and the prospect of bankruptcy is not so preeminent.
The profit shifts nice and easy, roller coaster ride excluded. Many take this to be a very healthy feature.
Ideal for flat beting are spreads and unders/overs in US Sports.

Martingdale strategy

The Martingdale” is (in)famous betting strategy known as well as red&black roulette system. This system helps you rather control your stakes than choosing games.Theoretically it will gain you profit in sports betting independent of you ability to choose right game, but the risks to go broke are pretty high. Whe you loosefirst stake you wil adjust amount of next stake with a help of the table I will publish later. You will not just simply double amount but the rule is lower next game odds higher you stake must be. For example you lost 10 uit and next game/ticket odds are 2.00, your stake will be again 10,if you win you gained your lossess back,if you loose and next odds are again 2.00 you should bet 400 and not 800 as by simply doubling stake. It will help you got further with your money.


Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy showed that the state of a system cannot be measured exactly and so its future behavior cannot be predicted accurately. Only the probabilities of the different egresses can be forecast. This very element of chance is what troubled Einstein so much. He refused to accept that the laws of physics cannot make an unambiguous and exact prediction of what may happen. But, no matter how we express it, the proof is this: the quantum phenomena and the principle of indeterminacy are inevitable and they are observed in every branch of physics.

Stephen Hawking

Without being too ambitious, in the next few pages I will try to describe my views on the subject of time, speed and movement and the curious conclusions, I have come to. The cause of all this was an article, published some time ago in the Cosmos magazine /10.1994/. Its author, Stephen Hawking, was describing the so-called arrow of time. Just then I asked myself if the “arrow of time” was the adequate term. If it were, it would mean, that time is passing smoothly and regularly, but:

“In nature there are no variations only if we haven’t looked for any.” /The resonance-isomorphic principle, K. Tomov/

And a little bit more:

“In 1905 Einstein taught the physicists that time and space were not independent concepts, but the two parts of an indivisible whole, the space-time.” /Life in science, M. White, D. Gribin/.

As a matter of fact, something, which due to lack of a better definition is compared to the flight of an arrow, suggests the notion of a long straight line with beginning and end. The problem is that this line wouldn’t look quite in place in a picture, painted solely with the help of the complex and varying curves of space and matter. These were the notions that provoked my thoughts, which I will describe below.

First, let us imagine that the whole Universe appears and disappears, and that is how it has been, and that is how it will be forever. We can try, can’t we? Or, as Isak Azimov says: “We have no reasons to believe that this is not the way it is.” /The gravity collapse of the Universe/.

Why? Because we cannot even approach such a phenomenon with our senses. We couldn’t see it, since our eyes vanish with the world. There is no device, no matter how precise and sensitive, that would measure it, due to the same reasons. We don’t know for how long we are “here”, “somewhere”, or, better say, “nowhere”. In other words, according to our notions, the time between the intervals and the intervals themselves, when talking about an outside observer, could be a part of a second or of million years.

However, one thing is for sure:

Every time we’re “here”, we are different; i.e. a change has been made.

And one more thing, which, for the time being, we will claim to be true:

The difference between two close intervals is the smallest possible change.

This sounds almost absurd, since it would mean that when we are “here” we will be, generally speaking, absolutely immovable, then we will be “nowhere”, then “here” again, but changed. In other words, every particle changes its position, but the way it goes is the shortest possible. Like in movies. The film rolls, the frames change twenty-four times per second. But when we watch it we don’t notice the frame change, because the eyes, which otherwise do a fine job, are quite imperfect. In fact, we, like the movie characters, move “in frames”, but it seems, that our frames are a lot more. It can be showed as follows:

(fig. 1)

The appearances are showed as dots. That follows from the second conclusion. In this perspective, it means that THERE IS NO MOTION IN THE UNIVERSE. But how is that, if everything is moving? This necessitates the definition of two basic systems /levels/, which depend solely on each other. The first is presented by any of the dots on fig. 1. It obeys no laws of movement. It sets these laws by its strictly fixed geometrical structure. The accumulated energy is released as an impulse /interval/, after which the next state of balance occurs /dot/. The second system consists of all subsequent phases of the first, or:

Time is not a phenomenon, which simply depends on the speed of movement; it is movement itself.

Let us imagine a clock. It’s a device, which shows us the time. It has a spring, which drives the cogwheels and their rotating speed is set by a specific anchor-like mechanism. Every clock in the world is set in such a way, that the hand, which shows the seconds, makes one full round for exactly one minute. The concepts of second, minute, hour and so on are defined by a certain system of measurements and describe a certain quantity of time. Defined by us. If the clock starts moving faster or slower we'd say it’s broken and we'd take it to a watchmaker. But the more interesting case is when we want to make it work at a different speed.

We know there are no immovable things. One would say “Every night my car is absolutely motionless out there in the car-park”. I would remind him that his car isn’t just moving, but it spins around the earth’s axis at about 30 km/sec. The Earth, on its behalf, moves around the Sun, which is a part of a galaxy, called the Milky Way, which, on its behalf, spins as well and even moves in a specific direction In space. God knows what the direction of the car’s movement is at any time, as well as the total velocity of all the movements, but it is not so difficult to guess that it’s enormous. From now on, if we want to slow down our clock, we will have to listen to Einstein and accelerate it at a speed close to that of light in relation to our system. And if our arguments until now are correct, it will appear and disappear less times, than it will if it is motionless in relation to the Earth. The opposite case makes sense too. The conclusion is rather important and it has to be mentioned. The Universe does not appear and disappear at one and the same time, like the fluctuations /let us name them so/ of every single body are defined by its speed in relation to the absolute zero speed. The following can be concluded:

Time is change and depends on the frequency of the fluctuations, concerning a certain fragment of space.

We know that time is defined by movement. So:

The length of the intervals defines space and depends on energy. Their number for a certain fragment of space defines time. Both variables depend on the velocity. Let us call the ratio between them a time ratio /KB/. A 'ratio', since it will be a variable with a certain minimum and maximum critical value of speed.

Here, “critical speed” doesn’t mean a “speed limit”. It solely means those limitations which concern the realization of a certain condition, e.g. the Universe we know.

If we define speed not as a distance, covered for a certain time, but as a frequency of vibrations that depend on the energy of movement for a certain fragment of space /lower frequency, higher speed/, we will see that it will be the definition of time, i.e.:

Time equals the speed in relation to the absolute zero speed.

Now, we can build a coordinate system where X is time-speed, beginning at zero, and Y is the time ratio.

(fig. 2)

The curve represents the Universe. A certain part of it represents the Universe that we know /observe/, i.e. we cannot observe other parts directly. If we move a point from any part of the curve to the left we’ll have the Einstein’s picture, which we will be able to predict, using the time ratio. And if we try to play a bit, sooner or later we will come across such misunderstandings as Heisenberg’s principle of indeterminacy. As far as the speed of light is concerned, yes, it is constant, but only if we consider it from a certain part of the curve, i.e. we can assume that C is the difference between the different speed of the movements. The meaning of the rest of the constant values, i.e. the absolute zero /temperature/, the relation of weight to volume /density/, etc., is similar.

The b intervals, defined by the energy of the movement, do not imply a smooth change in their values. So, the curve on fig.2 is a sequence of lines, parallel to x. Their length is in a direct proportion to KB. The distance between them in the curve, described in the terms of space, is in an inverse proportion to KB /and if it refers to the weight of the objects /bodies/, do we have the reason to doubt its change?/.

In order to examine the curve and especially its beginning and end, it’s already time to make an attempt to describe the mechanism of the vibrations. We know that the elementary particles consist of quarks and that the interaction between them is carried out by gluons. Let this be our starting point. The problem is, that a single quark cannot be traced during the usual observations /accelerator-particle/ and, as we will see later, it will never be traced. Why is that so?

Let us imagine that the whole space /the ether/ consists of gluons with absolute zero speed, placed at one and the same distance to each other, like in crystal structures. In this case what should quarks do? They have to “associate” with each other to make a particle round a certain gluon and then, following their movement, they will have to “dissociate” and move to the next one /fig. 3/. The number of the gluons passed depends on the energy, shown by the time ratio, and on the fact whether there are gluons, occupied with other quarks or not /important/.

KB can be shown as: , where is the distance between two neighbouring gluons and is the number of intervals /vibrations, matter frequency/.


Since there is power that makes quarks associate with each other round a certain gluon, it will as well deprive them of some of their motion energy when they pass different gluons. In other words, the question about the first law of mechanics stays open. If we follow all our arguments it turns out that every “independent” object moves with constant deceleration, i.e. the time ratio comes to zero. It must be underlined, that if a time ratio comes to zero, it is increased to the maximum KB: , which is the beginning of the curve, where х1 is the lowest possible speed /fig. 2/. What would happen to such an object? The energy of the movement decreases gradually and at a certain moment the object will transform into a different kind of matter for zero time and this new matter I would call matter of first kind. This mechanism follows the attraction between quarks and gluons. And so a new factor must be added – the rotation of the objects.

In how many directions can a body rotate? And what is the minimum number of directions which is enough for it to exist in the matter we know, which obeys the gravity laws? Answer: at least two, /and maybe even more/, round the intersection of the rotation axes. The beauty and the importance of the rotation comes from the fact that, no matter how insignificant the difference between the centre and the periphery speed is, it still exists; i.e. having occupied certain gluons, some of the particles have the chance to affect others while they “don’t exist”, increasing the route of their quarks in space and we can add a certain factor, responding to the minimum number of the revolutions and depending on the KB. I think it won’t be too daring to say:

Gravity is not force, but a phenomenon that follows from the rotation of the objects.

/see the part on Gravity/

It means that each object, which stops moving, will transform into super-dense matter, i.e. all neighbouring gluons will be occupied. /And what if it does not stop, but continues rotating quickly enough?/. The object would obtain the absolute zero speed – time, absolute density, with no relation to gravity.

Every object bound to another in a system keeps the rotation of the whole, since the attraction between them is carried out at an angle, defined by the each object’s rotation, i.e. each system may be considered a single object.

About the right part of the scheme.

At a certain moment and a certain speed, the KB will become zero, i.e. within the framework of a certain space fragment the energy of the movement exceeds the energy of quarks-gluons attraction, or, in other words, we’ll have zero intervals. From a mathematical point of view, that would be the death of the matter and it probably is. On the other hand, it is a factor defined by the choice of the length of a certain line, proportionate to the distance between two neighbouring gluons. So, KB is transformed into: , where is the number of subsequent lines of space, which are enough for .

KB cannot equal zero outside the beginning of the coordinate system.


and the principle of indeterminacy

Let us divide the Universe into parts or, better say, levels of reflection. At the first level we study everything from the elementary particles and downwards; at the second - the elementary particles plus everything else – atoms, molecules, apples, /every neither living, nor dead cats as well/, stars, etc., or:

- first level - movement;

- second level - interactions and the total lack of movement, concerning the elementary particles, i.e. an electron is an electron only when it exists and that doesn’t apply to the first level. The interactions, which define the powers we know, are states of matter at the right part of fig. 2, applied to the left /as a consequence of the rotation of the objects/;

- third levela total of subsequent second level states; the difference between them is the smallest possible change;

In other words, the phenomenon of the apple, falling over the Newton’s head, might be considered only at the third level of reflection. At the second we would have to study billions of apples, hanging over billion Newtons. And what about the first? At the first level of reflection there are neither Newtons, nor apples, nor problems; there are only quarks and gluons.


The position of the occupied gluons in a certain line /proportionate to the distance of two neighbouring gluons/ is very important. Whether it’s there, where the quarks will gather, or it lies on their way.

In the first case, deceleration or impact will occur, depending on that, whether the gluon is occupied at that moment or the quarks, that have occupied it, are leaving, or they are at a stable, balanced state. The geometrical position defines the direction and the action – bouncing, dissociation /annihilation/, deceleration, acceleration. In this way, transformation into another kind of particle may occur /e.g. p into µ/. In the second case, displacement in space, and KB respectively, without a change in its value, will occur.

This principle, /perhaps we would not be mistaken if we call it the principle of proportion/, would be appropriate in describing and interpreting such phenomena as transparency of the objects, the tunnel effect, the wave function, the photo effect, the chemical and mechanical solutions and reactions, i.e. the colour, even the smell and the taste of a certain chemical substance might be predicted, the diffusion, the Brown movement, the diffraction of light, the adiabatic processes, radioactivity, as well as all the others, I cannot think of now, or, in other words, the whole Universe.


The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

Following the principle of proportion, we can ask a question, that definitely will drive Leon Letherman mad /when talking about The dancing masters of Mu-Shu/, and this, I admit, will give me much pleasure, especially if this quant-abuse of mine turns out to be quant-pleasing. And so – are there any parallel worlds? If we follow our arguments, we could see that the answer to that question might be found in the very beginning of this paper. It only has to be stated /as far as we can manage with it/. The only thing that can be said for now is this: the number of the parallel dimensions is in an inverse proportion to the KB. Fig. 4 is the final variant of fig. 2, where Z shows the number of the possible dimensions, but there are no guarantees that all that is mathematically assumed will exist physically.

(fig. 4)

Each dimension can be described by a KB curve, identical to that on fig. 2 with a corresponding beginning. Theoretically, the dimensions extrapolated one over another in a 2D coordinate system, for a certain value of KB, will be at the shortest possible distance from each other /fig. 5/. And that’s exactly the distance between two neighbouring gluons. Their number depends on the lowest possible value of KB, if there are limits at all. A certain distinction between parallel dimensions and other dimensions should be made. In the first case, we examine different curves with a common beginning. In the second case, we examine different parts of the curve on fig. 2.

Parallel dimensions

The distance, expressed with the space between two subsequent states of movement of a certain object or an elementary particle, examined at the second level of reflection, is, in fact, a line with occupied gluons at its beginning and end and free gluons at its extensions. The length of this line depends on KB in an inverse proportion. The free gluons can be occupied by the quarks of another object or particle without interacting with each other, i.e. they are not observed directly one next to the other /fig. 5/. At a KB, which equals or is very close to one, the parallel dimensions intersect, i.e. they have a common beginning.

(fig. 5)

Other dimensions

Objects or particles with a different KB are characterized by different distances between two subsequent states at the second level of reflection. And so, they are not observed directly one next to the other. Intersections /interactions and disturbances of the principle of proportion/ are possible at certain proportions of the lines’ length. The areas of intersection /fig. 6/ are the reason why, for example, we observe the light and, better say, its quanting, wave length and diffraction.

(fig. 6)

Quarks and gluons

It's important to be mentioned, that, when I use the word "gluon" here, I don't guarantee that it is the right term or the right particle. My very aim here is to create a model for reflection, in which the names don't matter. The gluon-quarks scheme is rather an exemplary model, too.

What we agreed that is true so far, is indeed very difficult to be believed in. I explained it to myself in this way: the gluons consist of at least three particles, arranged and connected to each other like in the water molecule. One of the particles attracts the quarks /if it is some kind of power, it lies in the basis of a force that we know/. The other two particles carry negative and positive electrical charge. Their never stopping rotation provides them with the preservation of the same distances, i.e. with the lack of "pressure". We cannot explain the reason of their initial rotation, but we can suppose that the Universe has an end and its boundaries are the gatherings of gluons, like the water molecules in a drop of water at zero gravity.

In fact, this, even as a supposition, is silly enough and it would save us a lot of energy if we leave this problem for now. On the other hand, the nature of such gluon gatherings raises certain questions, which have to be answered. Is their volume likely to change and if it is, does it increase?

If the answers to these questions are positive, then we should revert to the statement that each "independent" object moves with constant deceleration. But if we assume that the Universe has a beginning, like the forming of some kind of a gluon heap, likely to disperse, the quarks-gluons and particles-bodies interactions make their movements relative. Or:

Each independent object moves with a constant deceleration in relation to the first law of mechanics and with a constant acceleration in relation to the dispersion of the gluon heap.

The two statements have no relation to each other and they do not depend on each other. However, the term itself, the gluon heap, presupposes that the lowest KB value still has its limits, set by the limits of the volume.

Whether the gluons are comparatively immovable in relation to each other or they "disperse", does not mean that the whole gathering is not moving in the tremendously infinite, infinitely tremendous, dimensionlessly spaceless, speck-like void. If this is so, the term absolute zero speed will turn out to be a temporary term – infinite from all points of view.

Mr. Adams, your "total perspective vortex" is actually working.

The comparison seems enough to me. And still the inevitable question is: is there any reason for the lack of other similar gatherings and what has God to do with all this? A lot, we can answer the last one, but perhaps it's time to move His throne somewhere else.

However, the number of similar gatherings is maybe infinite – an infinite number of "eggs" moving at infinite speeds out of time which are likely to make an impact and thus start a new Universe. But this, for now, is beyond our reach.


An object at the second level of reflection /interactions and a total lack of movement/ leads, following the arguments so far, to disturbances in the geometrical structure or, in other words, in the homogeneity of the near gluons /outside the object/. This presupposes the formation of particular "gluon vortexes", as a result of the inertia, if we assume, that the gluon heap is moving in the VOID. The vortexes lead to a twisting of space, obtain considerable differences in the distances between neighbouring gluons in relation to the rest in the heap. It's a statement that excludes gravity. Every subsequent state of the object at the second level of reflection moves the vortexes radially round itself as a result of the rotation. If we examine the same object under the conditions of the third level of reflection we will come across to, what we are used to call, the gravity field.

Areas, that contain gluon vortexes, change the common KB of an intersecting object /deformity/ or: , where is a factor that sets the difference in the distances between the neighbouring gluons. It depends on the mass and the velocity of a certain object or a system of different objects. The mass is defined by the inertia as a result of the gluons "catching" quarks. So, the extent of the gravity force and the amount of mass should depend on the speed of movement in an inverse proportion, i.e. the amount of mass decreases but not increases, as it is in accordance with the Relativity theory. However, the problem with anti-gravity can be defined and therefore solved.

A section of the gravity field

It is defined mainly by two factors. The total direction of the object's movement and the direction of dispersion of the gluon heap. If we examine the section in one plane at the third level of reflection, its shape will be roughly the one shown on fig. 7. The factor will be different at different points of the section. The shape changes as a result of each object's orbital movement. The mess becomes complete, when the deformity of the object as a result of the interaction with foreign gluon vortexes is included as well.

(fig. 7)


It is believed, that they, like the rest of the lepton family, are indivisible matter /do not contain any other particles/. If this is true, everything, that has been said till now, will make no sense. This, of course, is not out of question, but still there are enough examples of an electron's behavior, that imply its divisibility. On the other hand, that is not so important in terms of this hypothesis.

In my opinion, the probability interpretation of the wave function works, but it is not important, since it is a look at the Universe, concerning only the third level of reflection. Not to mention that "God doesn't play dice" /A. Einstein/.

Using the standard model of the atom, but abandoning the accepted laws and arguments, with the risk to finally discredit myself, I believe that the state of a certain macro-system is identified mainly with the state of the nucleus. The argument is that the electron covers a considerably greater distance in space than the atom itself, which leads to differences in the KB values /or, perhaps, identical values with different "tension" as a result of the forced interactions/. It can be assumed, that the nucleus' and the electron's existences differ to some extent, i.e. the nucleus and the electron affect each other, concerning the directions of interactions /vector interactions/. In other words, they play hide-and-seek and catch-me forever. The atom model with defining speed and direction of motion is the result of their play. The electron wouldn't move in a circle. If we could examine the motion of the atom's particles in space it would follow the trajectory of the twisted spiral of the DNA. By the way, this analogy makes me question myself about the relation between the DNA and astrology. But that's another subject.

In my opinion, the differences between the nucleus' and the electron's existence are the reason of the misunderstanding, called leptons.


Following the model, described above, the vector interactions are determinant both in the atom system itself and the system of several atoms, which forms a molecule. Where the nucleus of one atom interacts electro-magnetically with the electrons of another atom. Here, again we see the principle of proportion.


The matter of the first kind – it obtains absolute zero speed, i.e. it lacks free gluons within its volume, zero time, zero gravity /or one-way gravity, depending on the direction of dispersion of the gluon heap/, absolute density, absolute transperancy. Such an object cannot be hit or touched by another /particle/, since it will pass right through it and the energy of the quarks-gluons attraction will transform completely into kinetic energy. Depending on the volume of the zero object and the KB of the moving body, the latter in no time will receive a new, considerably lower KB or it will move to another dimension, or both – teleportation.

Moreover, it's important that we have in mind the size of the show, if we succeed in the experiment of "pushing" such a zero object. We would have to look for it somewhere far on the right part of the KB curve. The same will happen, I guess, if the moving object is big enough and the energy transformed is greater than the Zero energy, i.e. at a certain proportion between the zero object's volume, the mass and the KB of the moving object.


Let us examine an object that has "decided" to become a star. As a result of the gravity, somewhere at the intersection of the rotation axes the pressure is big enough to disarrange the fixed geometrical structure of matter. As a result the principle of proportion is broken to such extent, that the teleportation of matter at the shortest distance to a neighbouring area in the object itself, where the density is not so high, becomes possible. The so moved matter, keeping its parameters at the moment of materialization, can break the principle of proportion in a certain area. A chain reaction is started, not at nuclear level, but at quarks level where the powers are much bigger, i.e. we cannot expect to run out of star fuel. The losses of the matter are different types of radiation, defined by the principle of proportion at the moment of their formation /they are set by the KB, the rotation speed, the pressure, which depends on the mass and the radius/, i.e. it can be assumed, that at different points of the object's radius different waves /radiations/ occur.

Having in mind the level of the processes in stars it can be assumed, that these are objects that exist in more than one dimensions, i.e. in our solar system the number of the planets may be bigger.


If a certain object obtains the common features of a black hole, it inevitably would "ignite" and continue its life but as a star. But in such case, why should a star bother itself to collapse, i.e. there are no black holes, except next to Shroedinger's cat. The objects that we describe as black holes are in fact nothing more than bodies with a KB close to one.


If we consider the zero object as matter of the First kind, the moving objects – as matter of the Second, we could consider light as matter of the Third kind, situated far in the right part of the scheme.

We have already assumed, that all of the moving objects move with a constant deceleration as a result of the "friction" with the gluons /which surely keeps each object's own temperature, that depend on the density and the KB, which means that the Earth will never grow cold/. The particles, that form the matter of the Secong kind, consist of three quarks and the photon - of two. Therefore, it can be supposed, that at a KB which is low enough the matter will "lose" a certain quark /?/, i.e. at a KB which is low enough each object disperses into photons, if we examine it from our part of the curve. It is interesting, what will happen if we succeed in slowing down the speed of light and examine the "filling" of the photons with quarks. In other words – spectral alchemy.


of the used terms

gluonsI use this word with the very aim to create a model for reflection, in which the names don't matter. The gluon-quarks scheme is rather an exemplary model, too;

gluon heapgathering of gluons that form the Universe we know within the boundaries of their volume;

gluon vortexes - as a result of the object's inertia under the conditions of the second level of reflection gluon vortexes are formed that obtain considerable differences in the distances between neighbouring gluons in relation to the rest in the heap. They are situated radially as a result of the rotation of the objects. It might me described as a twisting of space;

gravityphenomenon, in which areas containing gluon vortexes change the common KB of the intersecting object or: , where is a factor that sets the difference in the distances between the neighbouring gluons;

critical speed limitsthose limitations which concern the realization of a certain condition, e.g. the Universe we know;

certain fragment of spaceproportionate to the distance between two neighbouring gluons;

principle of time savingsimilar to the principle of energy saving and an inevitable consequence of everything we've said;

areas of intersectionproportionately intersecting points between different areas of the KB curve that fix the interactions in the powers /phenomena/ we know;

time ratio /KB/ - The length of the intervals defines space and depends on energy. Their number for a certain fragment of space defines time. Both variables depend on speed. The KB is the ratio between them. Or: , where is the distance between two neighbouring gluons and is the number of intervals /vibrations, matter frequency/. The KB cannot equal zero outside the coordinate system;

principle of proportionall distances in the Cosmos are proportionate to the distance between two neighbouring gluons, all interactions obey the geometrical structure of gluons' arrangement and whether they are occupied;

matterthree functions that describe matter and form the features of the KB curve /fig. 2/ can be deduced:

§ matter of the first kindzero matter, obtaining absolute zero speed, i.e. it lacks free gluons within its volume, zero time, zero gravity /or one-way gravity, depending on the direction of dispersion of the gluon heap/, absolute density, absolute transperancy, or: ;

§ matter of the second kind - ;

§ matter of the third kindlight or: , where is the number of subsequent fragments of space, enough for ;

tremendously infinite, infinitely tremendous, dimensionlessly spaceless, speck-like voidor the NOTHING;

teleportationunforced – the way of particles/bodies between two subsequent states at the second level of reflection, when the first law of mechanics is kept; forced – under any other condition defined by breaking the principle of proportion like: moving in time, moving in space, other dimension, parallel dimension;

levels of reflectionit's more a philosophical notion, which suggests division of the point of view, where:

§ first levelmotion;

§ second level - interactions and the total lack of movement, concerning the elementary particles;

§ third level - a total of subsequent second level states; the difference between them is the smallest possible change;


with results that can be predicted, which support the Short Theory of Time

1. If we add a second ionizing cell to the standard setting for observation of the photo effect as shown on fig. 8, we have the reason to believe that in cell 2 there will be teleported particles. The distance L is a constant value depending on the KB /it is probably a few meters/. It is important that during the experiment the angle between the L vector and the vector of light should be kept in mind. The barrier is not so important.

(fig. 8)

2. An object is placed under a strong enough electro-magnetic field and rotates round its axis with quick enough revolutions /acceleration/; its axis must be at Da angle with the lines of the field /fig. 9/. The axis x must be fixed in accordance with the lines of the Earth's mass and magnetic field and the mass of the object. Such conditions suggest breaking of the principle of proportion, which at certain values of a could be: forced radioactivity or the opposite, moving in time and/or space, other dimension, parallel dimension. I would not make any comments on the possible use of this method. I believe that God would not allow us to make such a rash and unconsidered intervention in the Universe.

(fig. 9)

3. The synthesis of extremely unstable isotopes under absolutely identical conditions at different latitude would determine different duration of their existence. Probably it has been already done.

from Aleksander St. Uzunov